Medical Complications
The medical complications from abortion are well known in the medical community, but not freely shared with the public.
In his book Dr. Myron K. Denney strongly supports abortion, but he candidly talks about the risks. “When we consider the complexities of the human body”, he wrote, “we should not be surprised that abortion can result in complications. Even with the best surgical techniques, when plastic or metal suctional and scraping instruments are brought into contact with the delicate tissues of the vagina, cervix and uterus, inadvertent injury to the internal organs can result. Even without injury, abortion taxes the normal bodily protective mechanism.” (1)
Immediate Complications
Due to blood loss, patients may need transfusions.
Perforation of the Uterus
The curette can puncture the uterus. This causes peritonitis and can necessitate removal of the uterus, making a woman unable to have children.
Because parts of the baby may be left inside of the uterus or because of lack of sterile conditions in the operating room, tubal infection with subsequent sterility can occur.
Perforation of the Bowel
Punctures in the bowel can result from the use of abortion instruments, requiring a bowel resection (repair).
Damaged Cervix
Instruments used to stretch open the cervix during the abortion procedure can damage it. Miscarriage and premature delivery of future pregnancies may result. (2)
Future Medical Complications
Stillborn and Handicapped Children
Women with RH-negative blood who fail to receive RHO-gam after the abortion procedure may be isoimmunized, endangering some future pregnancies.
Premature Births
After multiple abortions, there is a 2 to 3.3 – fold increase in prematurity.
Women who have had abortions experienced miscarriages at a 35% higher rate. (3.4)
Low Birth Weight
There is a 2-2 l/4 times greater likelihood of this occurring after abortions. Low birth weight and prematurity are causes of birth defects. (7)
Impaired Child-Bearing Ability
Women had complications in labor of future pregnancies. (5.6)
Ectopic Pregnancies
In this pregnancy, the baby develops in the mother’s Fallopian tube, rather than in the uterus. It is a most dangerous condition and significantly increases the risk of death for the mother. There has been a substantial increase in ectopic pregnancies (8) causing an Alert to (2) be issued by the New York Commissioner of Health stating: “The diagnosis should be though of especially if there has been a history of an abortion or menstrual extraction in the recent past.” (9)
1. Denney, M.K., A Matter of Choice: An Essential Guide to Every Aspect of Abortion, (New York: Simon & Schuster, 1983), p. 75.
2. Wilke, J.C. & B., Abortion: Questions & Answers , (Ohio: Hayes Pub. Co., 1989).
3. Funderburk, S.J. Suboptimal pregnancy outcome among women with prior abortions and premature births, Am. J. Ob. & Gyn. , 126(1), 55-60, 1976
4. Hogue, C. Impact of vacuum aspiration abortion on future childbearing: A review, Family Plan. Persp. , 15, 119-26, 1983.
5. Levin, A.A. Association of induced abortion with subsequent pregnancy loss, JAMA , 243, 2495, 1980.
6. Slater, P.E. The effect of abortion method on the outcome of subsequent pregnancy, J. Reprod. Med ., 26, 123, 1981.
7. Lembrych, S. Fertility problems following an aborted first pregnancy, in New Perspectives on Human Abortion , Hilgers, Horan & Mall (Eds), 1981.
8. Levin, A. Ectopic pregnancy & prior induced abortion, Am. J. Public Health , 72, 253, 1982.
9. Alert on Ectopic Pregnancies, Commissioner of Health, New York City, (July 1979).