What is Mifegymiso?

(RU486/The Abortion Pill)

Mifegymiso does not prevent pregnancy but causes the induced abortion of an  established pregnancy up to 7 weeks gestation, in Canada.

Mifegymiso is a combination product containing one mifepristone [RU486] 200mg tablet and four misoprostol (Gymiso) 200μg.

Mifepristone (RU486) blocks progesterone, a hormone needed to support pregnancy and provide nutrition to the embryonic child. The second drug, Misoprostol (Gymiso) given 24-48hours later causes uterine contractions to expel the dead or dying child from the womb. Each tablet is taken buccally placed between the teeth and the cheek.

Mifegymiso – According to… Health Canada

Fact: Mifegymiso is a prescription drug with serious potential risks requiring physician oversight. The need for medical supervision is based on strong evidence for good health and safety outcomes. For example, it is estimated that up to 1 in 20 women who use this drug will require a follow-up surgical procedure because their pregnancy is not successfully terminated. Health Canada has put in place requirements that will help ensure that women have access to medical services in case of a serious adverse event taking place.

Patient Experience ...

I felt like I was dying … it hurt so much. I had contractions coming so fast, and I was sick to my stomach and dry heaving. I couldn’t stop tembling and I felt hot. 

RU486patient, named Aimee, talking about her experience. Darton N., Surprising journey for abortion drug, New York Times, 23 March 1995 p.C12

These are violently active chemicals and they have violent reactions on the organism… what is the situation in which a woman would undergo that kind of assault? 1

Dr. Germaine Greer

The adverse effects of the two drugs were unpredictable and dangerous and the
research undertaken inadequate…We concluded that the RU 486/PG abortion had the making of a new wave of DIY backyard abortions which burdened women who had decided they needed an abortion with unnecessary days of agony: haemorrhaging, vomiting, cramping and the well-founded fear of sepsis. We predicted deaths and also wondered why pro-choice activists could not see that this abortion method only benefited pharmaceutical companies and doctors.2

Renata Klein, Pro-Choice Feminist

Important things to know

The Restrictions4 on Mifegymiso in Canada include the following:

  • 7-week / 49-day gestational limit (since [first day of] last menstrual period);
  • Physicians must receive training in order to be on a registry to prescribe;
  • Physicians must dispense drug directly to the patient;
  • Physicians must supervise the patient’s ingestion of the first dose;
  • Physicians must exclude ectopic pregnancy and determine gestational age by ultrasound.

Women will be asked to sign a consent form and take the Mifepristone tablet in front of the physician. Misoprostol will be provided but may be taken at home. A return visit 14 days later is strongly advised to ensure the abortion is complete and that there is no infection.

4 to 8 Weeks Gestation – Fetal Development

By 5 weeks, development of the brain, spinal cord, and heart is well underway.The heart begins beating at 5 weeks and one day and is visible by ultrasound almost immediately.5

By 6 weeks, the heart is pumping the embryo’s own blood to his or her brain and body. All four chambers of the heart are present and more than 1 million heartbeats have occurred. The head, as well as the chest and abdominal cavities have formed and the beginnings of the arms and legs are easily seen. The 6-week embryo measures less than ¼ of an inch long from head to rump.5

Rapid brain development continues with the appearance of the cerebral hemispheres at 6½ weeks. The embryo reflexively turns away in response to light touch on the face at 7½ weeks. 5

Side Effects of Mifegymiso

Use of RU486/prostaglandin may cause any of the following:

  • haemorrhage requiring blood transfusion,
  • severe pain requiring strong pain killers,
  • incomplete abortion,
  • rupture of the uterus,
  • vaginal bleeding,
  • abdominal cramping,
  • nausea, vomiting,
  • diarrhoea,
  • headache,
  • muscle weakness,
  • dizziness,
  • flushing, chills,
  • backache,
  • difficulty in breathing,
  • chest pain, palpitations,
  • rise in temperature and
  • fall in blood pressure.6

There is also the grisly possibility that a woman will deliver her tiny but unrecognisable dead foetus of 6-12 weeks development alone and at home.

— Duffy A, Santamaria Dr J.
The How and Why of RU486.,
Thomas More Centre Bulletin

Failures: The non-negligible risk of failure makes the follow up visit mandatory to check that the abortion is complete.

— Risks related to the method,
from Product Characteristics
for Mifegyne, electronic
Medicines Compendium

The Abortion Pill / RU486

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Regret taking the abortion pill – it may not be too late!

Have you taken the first dose of the Abortion Pill, Mifepristone [Mifegymiso], (Mifeprex or RU-486)?
Do you regret your decision and wish you could reverse the effects of the abortion  pill? We are waiting to help you! There is an effective process for reversing the abortion pill, called ABORTION PILL REVERSAL, so call today! Call us right now, so we can talk with you and offer you help. CALL OUR 24/7 HOTLINE at or visit

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  1. From Statistics Canada 2005 data Today’s Parent, “Parents in Waiting: International Adoption”, Diane Peters, September 2009
  2. From Statistics Canada 2005 data
  3. From Statistics Canada, “Teenage Pregnancy”,
  4.  Therapeutic Abortion Survey, Canadian Institute for Health Information, (Ottawa: Statistics Canada, 2003)

According to the pro-abortion research group, Alan Gutmacher Institute, Since they are biased, this figure is probably high