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Stay up to date with current news! Life in Motion is always sharing the latest news about life issues in Canada and internationally.

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Become a volunteer!

We have a great team of committed volunteers who serve in many capacities, and we are glad for the energy and creativity they give to advance the cause of protecting life.

If you would like to be a part of our volunteer team, please contact us.


Euthanasia in Canada

There is HOPE for change.

with Alex Schadenberg, Executive Director, Euthanasia Prevention Coalition

Thursday, January 30, 2025 at 7:00pm at Blessed Sacrament Parish Hall. 145 Victoria Ave, Chatham, ON

Please RSVP below. This is a free event. Goodwill donation only. Refreshments will be provided. 

Euthanasia in Canada HOPE for Change Jan 2025

Right to Life Kent Annual Banquet


Tuesday April 8, 2025

Please join us on Tuesday, April 8, 2025 for the Right to Life Kent Annual Banquet. Our guest speaker this year is Kevin Dunn, an award-winning filmmaker, international speaker and entertainer. Kevin’s productions on the dignity of the human person have touched the hearts and minds of thousands around the world. He’s been lauded by the medical profession for exposing the ethical landslide around abortion and euthanasia laws — and how they affect society over time.

Location: Hidden Hills Golf & Country Club

25393 St Clair Rd, Dover Centre, ON

Tickets $45, Students $25

Doors open at 5:30 pm, Dinner at 6:30 pm

Baby Bottle Boomerang


Mother’s Day to Father’s Day every year!

Our Baby Bottle Boomerang is the main fundraiser of the year for Right to Life Kent-Refuge Pregnancy Centre. The campaign runs from Mother’s Day to Father’s Day.

Right to Life Kent Annual General Meeting (AGM) - PAST EVENT

The Right to Life Kent Association held its Annual General Meeting for members on Tuesday, May 7, 2024 at 7:00 pm at Maple City Baptist Church, in Chatham.

Thank you for your continued support in defending the right to life for all human beings.


Saturday, September 7

3.2 km

Registration at 8:30am.

Start time at 9:00am.

Mud Creek Loop (at the end of Cecile). Meet at John McGregor Secondary School, 300 Cecile Ave.

Come on out and help raise funds for the education arm of Right to Life Kent.

Funds will be used for education and our general operating fund. All donations over $20 will receive a tax receipt.

Fruit and water will be provided. Any questions please call the office at 519-352-3611.

Hope to see you there!


March for Life

Join thousands of pro-life individuals on Parliament Hill in Ottawa this May 9, 2024 to show our government that Canada should protect the precious gift of life. Right to Life Kent has a bus once again this year. Please call the office at 519-352-3611 to reserve your seat. We suggest a welcomed but not necessary goodwill offering for the bus!

40 Days for Life

You can protect mothers and children by joining this worldwide mobilization to pray and fast for an end to abortion.

Through prayer and fasting, peaceful vigils and community outreach, 40 Days For Life has inspired 1,000,000 volunteers!

Local contact: Laurie Eberhardt, Campaign Coordinator, 519.300.6792

March for Life

Join thousands of pro-life individuals in Toronto every May to show our government that Canada should protect the precious gift of life.

Pro-Life Materials

Stop by our office and pick up any of our many brochures, t-shirts, bumper stickers, pins and bracelets.

Life In Motion brochures

We currently have brochures about Life In Motion and information about abortion in Canada.

Development & Growth of the unborn

We distribute many different brochures, pamphlets and booklets explaining the development and growth of the human fetus appropriate for different ages.

Pins, bracelets, t-shirts, etc.

We have lots of different ways for you to promote pro-life with baby feet pins, life bracelets, positive messages on t-shirts and even bumper stickers. Witness wherever you go!

Stay up to date with current news!

Life in Motion is always sharing the latest news about life issues in Canada and internationally.