It’s Time for Provinces to protect Conscience Rights
The campaign for assisted suicide often frames it as a ‘choice. It is largely advertised in our culture as one ‘choice’ among many. If we then, adopt that language too, we suggest that it is even an ‘acceptable choice’ as long as it is one option among others. This...
Why is Canada euthanizing the poor?
I recently came across an article entitled ‘Why is Canada euthanizing the poor'? I had to re-read the title. Surely that ‘slippery slope’ that began is 2015 hadn’t really ‘slipped’ this far? But yes, in fact it has. For those reading this that may need a refresher on...
May 2022 Blog Post
We are so happy to be back to hosting educational and fundraising events again after two very long years of Covid restrictions. It has been a busy month in Chatham-Kent. Right to Life Kent hosted two prolife speakers at the high schools. We also hosted a Drive...