Sharing the Pro-Life Message

It is important that we share the pro-life message with those around us so we can change hearts and minds, inspire other pro-lifers to action, and ultimately, save lives. Although we are unable to present physically due to current Covid restrictions, we are still available via ZOOM to present on Abortion or Euthanasia topics. Please contact us today to request a speaker.

Mary Wagner’s story – RtLK was very fortunate to be able to speak with Mary in March 2021. She is a very special person and a true witness to all who are fighting for the sanctity of life.

Watch Guest Speaker Teresa Hartnett on Reaching out with Compassion

Guest speaker Teresa Hartnett discusses how to respond when someone shares their abortion story.

Part 1

Part 2


Baby Bottle Boomerang

Our Baby Bottle Boomerang is the main fundraiser of the year for Right to Life Kent-Refuge Pregnancy Centre. The campaign runs from Mother’s Day to Father’s Day.

Prolife Lawn Signs

New lawn signs are available for a suggested donation of $10.00. Please call our office @ 519-352-3611 to arrange a good time for you to pick-up. Please leave cash or cheque in an envelope in our mailbox at time of pick up. The signs will be placed in our vestibule for you.

Right to Life Kent Annual General Meeting (AGM)

The Right to Life Kent Association will holds its Annual General Meeting in September. Currently the meetings will take place via a Zoom computer link.

Please contact the office by phone at 519-352-3611 or by email at [email protected] Instructions and a Zoom link will be given.

Thank you for your continued support in defending the right to life for all human beings.

Life Chain

Join us in a 1 hour silent prayer vigil the first Sunday every October. You will stand as a pro-life witness and pray for our nation to end abortion.


March for Life

Join thousands of pro-life individuals on Parliament Hill in Ottawa every May to show our government that Canada should protect the precious gift of life.

40 Days for Life

You can protect mothers and children by joining this worldwide mobilization to pray and fast for an end to abortion.

Through prayer and fasting, peaceful vigils and community outreach, 40 Days For Life has inspired 1,000,000 volunteers!

Local contact: Laurie Eberhardt, Campaign Coordinator, 519.300.6792

Pro-Life Materials

Stop by our office and pick up any of our many brochures, t-shirts, bumper stickers, pins and bracelets.

Life In Motion brochures

We currently have brochures about Life In Motion and information about abortion in Canada.

Development & Growth of the unborn

We distribute many different brochures, pamphlets and booklets explaining the development and growth of the human fetus appropriate for different ages.

Pins, bracelets, t-shirts, etc.

We have lots of different ways for you to promote pro-life with baby feet pins, life bracelets, positive messages on t-shirts and even bumper stickers. Witness wherever you go!

Stay up to date with current news!

Life in Motion is always sharing the latest news about life issues in Canada and internationally.